Dr. Zachary M C Baum, PhD

Research Team Lead

Odin Vision


Sep. 2019 - June 2023 PhD | Medical Imaging | University College London, London, United Kingdom

Sep. 2017 - May 2019 MSc | Computing | Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada

Sep. 2013 - May 2017 BCompH | Biomedical Computing | Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada


Honours & Awards

Sep. 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award | The International Conference on Image Processing in Computer-Assisted Intervention

Selected as one of six (from 210 reviewers) in recognition of outstanding quality of constructive reviewing for papers submitted to the IPCAI 2023 Conference.

Aug. 2022 Bronze Distinguished Reviewer | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

Sep. 2021 Best Demonstration Award | Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop, MICCAI

For the Live Demonstration: “ADAPTS (Artificial intelligence Diagnostic And Prognostic Tools for Sonography) for real-time ultrasound assessment and COVID-19 diagnosis”.

Sep. 2021 Reviewer Commendation | Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop, MICCAI

In recognition of outstanding quality of constructive reviewing for papers submitted to the ASMUS 2021 Workshop.

Feb. 2021 Certificate of Merit (Runner-Up) | SPIE Medical Imaging

For the Computer-Aided Diagnosis Live Demonstration: “Easy deep medical image registration visualization: DeepReg meets 3D Slicer”.

Dec. 2020 Directors’ Special Commendation | Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences

Presented at the discretion of the Centre’s Director to those within WEISS who have demonstrated exceptional efforts in research and contributions to the WEISS and wider communities.

Oct. 2020 Best Paper Award | Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop, MICCAI

For the paper: “Multimodality biomedical image registration using free point transformer networks”.

Apr. 2020 Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award | School of Computing, Queen’s University

This award recognizes excellence in master’s-level thesis research, and is granted to the graduate student in the School of Computing who, having completed their thesis in the preceding academic year, made the most distinguished contributions to their respective field throughout their research.

Apr. 2019 Ian A. Macleod Award | School of Computing, Queen’s University

This award is granted to the graduate student who made the greatest contribution to the intellectual and social spirit of the School of Computing during the preceding academic year.

Feb. 2019 Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award | Queen’s University

Admissions to the Tricolour Society through the Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award is the highest honour given to a Queen’s student for non-academic, non-athletic activities. The award is named after Dr. Agnes Benidickson who was Chancellor of Queen’s University from 1980 until 1996. With all recipients chosen by their fellow students, this award is bestowed in recognition of the valuable and distinguished service of outstanding individuals to the University.

Dec. 2018 Hamlyn Winter School Best Project Award (Runner-Up) | Hamlyn Centre for Surgical Robotics, Imperial College London

Nov. 2018 Nixon Academic Leadership Award | Queen’s University Athletics and Recreation

Awarded to the male and female varsity student-athletes who have exemplified achievement in academics, community service and fair play in their sport.

May 2017 Award for Outstanding Contribution to School Life | School of Computing, Queen’s University

Recognizes outstanding contributions by a student to the Queen’s School of Computing with distinguished service, while maintaining excellent academic performance and research contributions throughout their undergraduate career.

Mar. 2017 Gradum Dominus Machinarium Award | Computing Students’ Association (COMPSA), Queen’s University

Presented to a graduating undergraduate student who has, throughout their time at Queen’s has contributed to the betterment of the University experience and demonstrated spirit and enthusiasm for everything COMPSA.

Jan. 2017 The Sunnybrook Research Prize, National Finalist | Sunnybrook Research Institute

Recognized as one of six national finalists for excellence in undergraduate biomedical sciences research.

Grants, Fellowships & Scholarships

2019-2023 Graduate Research Scholarship & Overseas Research Scholarship | University College London - £175,000
“Machine learning for ultrasound-guided interventions”

The Graduate Research Scholarship and Overseas Research Scholarship Programs are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and research potential to attract high-quality students to University College London to undertake postgraduate research programs.

2019-2022 Postgraduate Scholarship-Doctoral | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) - $63,000 CAD
“Intelligent simulated environments for augmented reality surgical training”

The Postgraduate Scholarships-Doctoral Program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in a doctoral program in the natural sciences or engineering.

Awarded Sep. 2019 EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship | King’s College London - £190,000
“Intra-operative probe design and image processing optimization with deep learning for in-vivo and ex-vivo detection of cancerous tissue”

The EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship is offered to an international applicant of King’s College London’s Surgical and Interventional Engineering Doctoral Program each year. The studentship is funded jointly through the EPSRC, the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, as well as a project-specific industry sponsor with the intent of training and nurturing the next generation of surgical and interventional engineering scientists, researchers, innovators, and industry leaders.

Awarded Sep. 2019 President’s PhD Scholarship | Imperial College London - £215,000
“A platform for mass-spectrometry-based surgical navigation”

The President’s PhD Scholarship Scheme is designed to help nurture future world-class researchers, recruiting outstanding students from around the world to Imperial College London to engage in an exciting and challenging program that complements research opportunities with professional development and networking within an elite cohort.

Awarded Sep. 2019 Arthur B. McDonald Prize for Academic Excellence | School of Graduate Studies, Queen’s University - $30,000 CAD

This prestigious award recognizes excellence and research potential of applicants who will begin their graduate degree programs in the School of Graduate Studies at Queen’s in 2019-20. It is named in honour of Queen’s University Professor Emeritus Arthur McDonald, co-winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Mar. 2019 Conference Travel Award | Queen’s School of Computing - $300 CAD

To present “Assessment of intra-operative neurosurgical planning with the Microsoft HoloLens” at the 17th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium

Dec. 2018 Hamlyn Winter School Travel Scholarship | Hamlyn Centre for Surgical Robotics, Imperial College London - £500

2018-2019 Ontario Graduate Scholarship | Government of Ontario - Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development - $15,000 CAD
“Holographic visualization for neurosurgical planning and training”

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship program provides merit-based scholarships to Ontario’s best graduate students in all disciplines and encourages excellence in graduate studies at publicly assisted universities in Ontario.

Feb. 2016, 2017 & 2018 Chair’s Conference Travel Award | SPIE Medical Imaging - $750 USD

2017-2018 Tri-Agency Recipient Recognition Award | School of Graduate Studies, Queen’s University - $5,000 CAD

2017-2018 Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) - $17,500 CAD
“Mobile augmented reality display system for musculoskeletal injections”

The Canada Graduate Scholarship Program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in eligible master’s programs in Canada.

Awarded Sep. 2017 Academic Excellence Award | School of Graduate Studies, Queen’s University - $15,000 CAD

Recognizes academic excellence and research potential of applicants who will begin their graduate degree programs in the School of Graduate Studies at Queen’s.

May 2017 - Aug. 2017 Undergraduate Research Fellowship | Queen’s School of Computing - $6,500 CAD

The Queen’s School of Computing Undergraduate Research Fellowship is an undergraduate research award that supports summer undergraduate research for Computing undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic excellence.

May 2016 - Aug. 2016 Workshop Travel Award | Queen’s School of Computing - $1,000 CAD

To present the workshop “3D Slicer: Hands on introduction to medical image visualization” at the IEEE EMBS International Student Conference 2016.

May 2016 - Aug. 2016 Undergraduate Student Research Award | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) - $6,000 CAD
“Image overlay guidance for medical interventions”


Professional Experience

Jun. 2024 - present Research Team Lead | Odin Vision

Leads 10+ researchers designing and implementing AI solutions for gastroenterology, including polyp detection and diagnosis. Manages research planning, development, and execution; participates in strategic planning for Odin Vision’s research program.

Jul. 2016 - present Sr. AI Scientist and Software Engineer | Verdure Imaging Inc.

Leads development of software and AI for SpineUs, the first FDA-approved ultrasound-based device for spine curvature assessment. Achieved an error of less than 3mm per landmark relative to X-ray imaging, enabling chiropractors and clinicians to make highly-accurate treatment decisions without the need for radiation-based methods. Plays a critical role in shaping the company’s AI innovation roadmap, leading to project launches and new clinical collaborations.

Mar. 2023 - Jun 2024 Sr. Research Scientist | Odin Vision

Designs and develops artificial intelligence-based models and methodologies for real-time disease detection and diagnostic-support in endoscopic interventions.

Sep. 2020 - Jan 2023 Software Engineer | Veterinary Surgical Innovation Ltd.

Develops open-source medical engineering solutions for surgical navigation and medical interventions. Currently develops surgical navigation tools and software for real-time guidance and navigation of canine hip replacement to provide critical information, models and methodologies for decision-support in image-guided interventions.

Dec. 2021 - Dec. 2022 AI Engineer | Atheneum Partners Ltd.

Leads the development and deployment of machine learning systems to streamline internal processes and operations globally.

Jan. 2019 - May 2019 Automation Developer | Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment, Queen’s University

Developed software and macros to automate the reporting and collection of various test scores and other application-specific information for Admission Coordinators to simplify daily workflows and remove the need for manual searches through internal datastores by any staff members.

Research Experience

Sep. 2019 - present Research Assistant | Computer-Aided Navigation, Diagnosis and Intervention Group, Dept. of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London

Develops open-source medical engineering solutions for surgical navigation, disease diagnosis, and medical interventions. Currently develops artificial intelligence-based models and methodologies for real-time registration and diagnostic-support in image-guided interventions.

May 2015 - Aug. 2019 Research Assistant | Laboratory for Percutaneous Surgery, School of Computing, Queen’s University

Developed open-source medical engineering solutions for image-guided therapy and surgical navigation. Contributed to the open-source platforms 3DSlicer and SlicerIGT through implementation and development of software for ultrasound-based scoliosis monitoring and augmented reality display devices. Conducted clinical feasibility studies for augmented reality and holographic technologies in neurosurgical planning and emergency medicine.

Academic & Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistance

Dept. of Computer Science, University College London

Winter 2021 COMP 0005 - Algorithms

Fall 2020 COMP 0066 - Introductory Programming

Dept. of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London

Fall 2020 MPHY 0030 - Programming Foundations for Medical Image Analysis

Winter 2021 MPHY 0041 - Machine Learning for Medical Imaging

Fall 2021, Fall 2022 MPHY 0043 - Artificial Intelligence for Surgery and Intervention (Head TA)

Smith School of Business, Queen’s University

Spring 2019 Master of Management in AI Program, Capstone Project Assistant

School of Computing, Queen’s University

Fall 2015, Winter 2017 CISC P81 - Computers: Applications and Implications

Winter 2019 CISC 121 - Introduction to Computing Science I (Head TA)

Fall 2016 CISC 365 - Algorithms (Head TA)

Fall 2018 CISC 432 - Advanced Data Management Systems (Head TA)

Winter 2018, 2019 CISC 472 - Medical Informatics (Head TA)

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Queen’s University

Fall 2017 CMPE 365 - Algorithms (Head TA)

Invited Course Lectures

Dept. of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London

Fall 2022 MPHY 0030 - Programming Foundations for Medical Image Analysis - Open-Source Medical Image Visualization with 3D Slicer and Jupyter Notebooks

Fall 2021 MPHY 0030 - Programming Foundations for Medical Image Analysis - Open-Source Medical Image Visualization with 3D Slicer and Jupyter Notebooks

Fall 2020 MPHY 0030 - Programming Foundations for Medical Image Analysis - Open-Source Medical Image Visualization with 3D Slicer and Jupyter Notebooks

School of Computing, Queen’s University

Winter 2019 CISC 472 - Medical Informatics - Augmented Reality Neurosurgical Planning

Fall 2018 CISC 432 - Advanced Database Management Systems - Introduction to and Development with CouchDB

Fall 2018 CISC 330 - Computer-Assisted Surgery - Spatially Tracked Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided Interventions

Fall 2018 CISC 330 - Computer-Assisted Surgery - Augmented Reality Neurosurgical Planning

Winter 2018 CISC 472 - Medical Informatics - Computer-Assisted Interventions

Fall 2017 CISC 330 - Computer-Assisted Surgery - Augmented Reality Surgical Navigation Systems

Fall 2016 CISC 330 - Computer-Assisted Surgery - Augmented Reality Surgical Navigation Systems

Supervision & Mentorship Experience

Students Supervised in Research Project

Dept. of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College London

Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Xiang Li, Master of Science Student
“Deep learning for COVID-19 lung ultrasound image analysis”

Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Ralia Boutaleb, Undergraduate Student
“Deep learning for COVID-19 lung ultrasound image analysis”

Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Mihaela Croitor, Undergraduate Student
“Deep learning for COVID-19 lung ultrasound image analysis”

Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 Pierre Raillard, Undergraduate Student
“Deep learning for COVID-19 lung ultrasound image analysis”

Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Harry Mason, Undergraduate Student
“Lung ultrasound segmentation and adaptation between COVID-19 and community acquired pneumonia”

Students Mentored in Research Project

Laboratory for Percutaneous Surgery, School of Computing, Queen’s University

Spring 2018 Julia Wiercigoch, Undergraduate Student
“Design of low-cost, adjustable handheld needle guide for spine interventions”

Spring 2018 Sydney Perrin, High School Student
“Assessment of freehand ultrasound calibration reproducibility for ultrasound-guided navigation”

Spring 2018 Hillary Lia, Undergraduate Student
“Development of electromagnetically tracked partial nephrectomy navigation training system”

Spring 2015 Eden Bibic, High School Student
“Design of redundant sensor array for intraoperative electromagnetic tracking error monitoring”

Spring 2015 Aidan Baksh, High School Student
“Design of optically and electromagnetically tracked navigation tools for computer-navigated surgery”

Professional Activities

Conference, Workshop & Seminar Series Organization

2020 - 2023 Co-Chair | Machine Learning Interest Group, Centre for Medical Image Computing, UCL

2020 - 2022 Demonstrations Chair | Advances in Simplifying Medical Ultrasound (ASMUS) Workshop, MICCAI

2018 Founder & Conference Chair | Computing Student Research Conference (CSearch), Queen’s University

Journal Article Reviews (ad hoc)

2020 - present IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

2020 - present Journal of Medical Robotics Research

2020 - present SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging

Conference Paper / Abstract Reviews

2020 - present International Conference on Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions

2020 - present International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (incl. workshops)

Community Involvement

Oct. 2018 - Oct 2024 Member, Board of Directors | Sail Canada / Voile Canada

Provides the governance and strategic direction for the Association. Brings an array of skills, expertise, and sailing experience to fulfill my responsibilities and duties on the board with respect to setting the vision and mission of the Association. Provides input and monitors performance the Association by overseeing core financial information and updating policies to reflect international best practices in sailing. Additionally, serves as Secretary, as Chair of the Governance Committee, and as a member of the IDE and Finance Committees.

Sep. 2019 - Aug. 2020 Student Representative, Board of Trustees Finance Sub-Committee | Students’ Union UCL, University College London

One of four students appointed by the Student Union executive to aid in and be responsible for considering the strategy and general management of the Student Union’s finances. This includes setting annual budgets, key performance objectives, and monitoring the financial performance of the organization.

May. 2018 - May 2019 Graduate Studies Mentor & Recruitment Advisor | Faculty of Arts and Science, Queen’s University

Took part in discussions with current undergraduate students through online and in-person events to address concerns and questions of prospective students on programs, supervisors, funding applications and graduate student life.

May 2018 - May 2019 MSc SGPS Liaison Officer | Graduate Computing Society (GCS), Queen’s University

Attended meetings of the Society of Graduate and Professional Students (SGPS) and their Council to act as a liaison for the concerns of School of Computing graduate students with the SGPS.

May 2018 - May 2019 President | Graduate Computing Society (GCS), Queen’s University

Was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the society. Planned monthly social events for students and sits on various committees as the voice and representative for computing graduate students. Revamped the Society’s orientation activities to better engage with students and provide them with a grasp of the resources and supports available in the department and at Queen’s. Created a ‘Computing Graduate Student Handbook’ for students to provide information on the department, resources, courses, and life in Kingston.

Mar. 2018 - May 2019 Sr. Campus Tour Guide | Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment, Queen’s University

Led prospective students and families throughout campus, giving a first impression and information on Queen’s University. Provides day-to-day oversight of the program and additional logistical support during large recruitment events.

Sep. 2017 - May 2019 COMPSA Liaison Officer | Graduate Computing Society (GCS), Queen’s University

Attended meetings of the Computing Students’ Association (COMPSA) and their Council to act as a liaison for the School of Computing’s graduate students with COMPSA. Provided assistance with interpretation of policy and external perspectives as an ex-officio member of the association.

Sep. 2017 - May 2019 MSc Graduate Committee Officer | Graduate Computing Society (GCS), Queen’s University

Attended the School of Computing Graduate Committee’s meetings to represent the opinions and interests of master’s students in the School of Computing, and to actively strive to improve the MSc program for students.

Sep. 2017 - May 2019 Graduate Student Representative, School of Computing Council | School of Computing, Queen’s University

Voiced graduate student concerns and discusses changes to programs, courses and other aspects of the School of Computing with members of Administration, Faculty and Staff.

Sep. 2017 - May 2018 Vice President Operations | Graduate Computing Society (GCS), Queen’s University

Primarily responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Society. Was responsible for the Society’s finances, event budgeting and acted as a coordinator for all officers of the Society.

Jul. 2017 Summer Orientation to Academic Resources Peer Ambassador | Student Experience Office, Queen’s University

Created a welcoming environment for incoming students, their families and guests by assisting with program implementation and event coordination. Coordinated registration and check-in for over 2000 attendees and acted as a Master of Ceremonies throughout the event. Participated in panel discussions to share personal experiences on resources, campus life, and academics.

Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2019 President & Captain | Queen’s Varsity Sailing Team, Queen’s University

Acted as chairperson of the executive committee and as the team’s spokesperson and representative to Queen’s University and other external stakeholders. Managed finances and operations for the team of over 60 athletes and its coaching staff. Created the ‘Try Varsity Sailing’ program to bring high school sailors to Queen’s to experience life as a student-athlete. Established partnerships with Able Sail Kingston to aid with their fundraising and promotional efforts.

Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2017 Team Development Officer | Canadian Intercollegiate Sailing Association (CICSA)

Created and promoted opportunities for new post-secondary institutions to develop competitive sailing programs through outreach and mentorship. Organized sailing clinics and implemented a team ranking system across the league to reinforce existing best practices in college sailing. Represented the Association to external sports associations such as Sail Canada.

Sep. 2016 - Aug. 2017 Director of Web Development | Queen’s Native Student Association (QNSA)

Oversaw the design, development, and maintenance of the QNSA webpage, and worked to rebrand the organization’s national online presence.

May 2016 - Apr. 2017 Founder & Editor-in-Chief of The Data Journal | Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Society (ASUS), Queen’s University

Coordinated with the Editorial Board and Panel of Referees, tracks submissions to the Journal, hires management, and provides general supervision and oversight of the Journal’s inaugural volume.

Mar. 2016 - Mar. 2018 Campus Tour Guide | Office of Undergraduate Admission and Recruitment, Queen’s University

Led prospective students and families throughout campus, giving a first impression and information on Queen’s University.

May 2015 - Apr. 2016 Information Services and Technology Student Advisory Committee Member | Information Technology Services (ITS), Queen’s University

Provided concerns and commented on student priorities about information technology at Queen’s University. Discussed current and future information technology initiatives while developing reports for ITS management.

May 2015 - Apr. 2016 Undergraduate Student Representative, School of Computing Council | School of Computing, Queen’s University

Voiced undergraduate student concerns and discussed changes to programs, courses and other aspects of the School of Computing with members of Administration, Faculty and Staff.

May 2015 - Apr. 2016 Computing Representative | Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Society (ASUS), Queen’s University

Represented Computing students at ASUS Assembly. Presented the views, perspectives and needs of Computing Students to the ASUS Executive and other Assembly members.

May 2015 - Apr. 2016 Vice President Operations | Computing Students’ Association (COMPSA), Queen’s University

Oversaw day-to-day operations and finances of the Association, worked with commissioners to assist with execution of their events and initiatives throughout the year. Renewed relations with the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society and worked collaboratively with them to found new programs such as The Data Journal - Queen’s first undergraduate computer science research journal.

Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2015 Orientation Chair (“High Tech”) | School of Computing, Queen’s University

Planned, coordinated and successfully delivered the 2015 Computing Orientation Week. Recruited and trained Orientation Leaders and Executives. Reinforced positive relations with external bodies and stakeholders, including students, staff, faculty and administrators ranging from the School of Computing, to the Office of the Principal. Developed new events with other faculties to promote interfaculty relations and restructured several core events of the week. As a result, saw higher turn-out and retention rates than any previous computing orientation weeks.

Oct. 2013 - May 2019 Open House Volunteer | School of Computing, Queen’s University

Engages with students at various recruitment events, such as Fall Preview, March Break Open House, Majors Night, the Ontario University Fair and Summer Orientation to Academic Resources (SOAR). Helps to promote the Queen’s School of Computing, the Faculty of Arts and Science, and the School of Graduate Studies to prospective students and parents through discussion of the programs offered at Queen’s, and by demoing various graduate and undergraduate research projects at these events.



2022 S Aylward, A Noble, Y Hu, SL Lee, Z Baum, Z Min (Eds.). “Simplifying Medical Ultrasound: Third International Workshop, ASMUS 2022 – Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2022,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 13565: 194 pp, Springer.

Journal Articles

2022 Z Baum, Y Hu, D Barratt. “Meta-Learning Initializations for Interactive Medical Image Registration,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2022).

S Saeed, Y Fu, V Stavrinides, Z Baum, Q Yang, M Rusu, R Fan, G Sonn, A Noble, D Barratt, Y Hu. “Image quality assessment for machine learning tasks using meta-reinforcement learning,” Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 78 (2022).

S Saeed, W Yan, Y Fu, F Giganti, Q Yang, Z Baum, M Rusu, R Fan, G Sonn, M Emberton, D Barratt, Y Hu. “Image quality assessment by overlapping task-specific and task-agnostic measures: application to prostate multiparametric MR images for cancer segmentation,” Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging - Special Issue: Information Processing in Medical Imaging 2021, Vol. 71 (2022).

2021 Z Baum, Y Hu, D Barratt. “Real-time multimodal image registration with partial intraoperative point-set data,” Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 74 (2021).

2020 Y Fu, N Montana Brown, S Saeed, A Casamitjana, Z Baum, R Delaunay, Q Yang, A Grimwood, Z Min, S Blumberg, J Iglesias, D Barratt, E Bonmati, D Alexander, M Clarkson, T Vercauteren, Y Hu. “DeepReg: a deep learning toolkit for medical image registration,” The Journal of Open Source Software, Vol. 5 (55), 2705 (2020).

T Ungi, H Greer, K Sunderland, V Wu, Z Baum, C Schlenger, M Oetgen, K Cleary, S Aylward, G Fichtinger. “Automatic spine ultrasound segmentation for scoliosis visualization and measurement,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 67 (11), pp. 3234-3241 (2020).

2019 Z Baum, A Lasso, S Ryan, T Ungi, E Rae, B Zevin, R Levy, G Fichtinger. “Augmented reality training platform for neurosurgical burr hole localization,” Journal of Medical Robotics Research - Special Issue: Technology-enabled Tools for Clinical Skills Assessment, Vol. 4 (3-4), pp. 1942001-1-1942001-13 (2019).

Conference Presentations

2024 K Hashtrudi-Zaad, T Ungi, C Yeung, Z Baum, P Cernelev, A Hage, C Schlenger, G Fichtinger. “Expert-guided optimization of ultrasound segmentation models for 3D spine imaging,” IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Z Min, Z Baum, S Saeed, M Emberton, D Barratt, Z Taylor, Y Hu. “Biomechanics-informed Non-rigid Medical Image Registration and its Inverse Material Property Estimation with Linear and Nonlinear Elasticity,” 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention.

N Montana-Brown, S Saeed, A Abdulaal, T Dowrick, Y Kilic, S Wilkinson, J Gao, M Mashar, C He, A Stavropoulou, E Thomson, Z Baum, S Foti, B Davidson, Y Hu, M Clarkson. “SARAMIS: simulation assets for robotic assisted and minimally invasive surgery,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.

2023 W Yi, V Stavrinides, Z Baum Q Yang, D Barratt, M Clarkson, Y Hu. “Boundary-RL: reinforcement learning for weakly-supervised prostate segmentation in TRUS images,” International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging.

Z Min, Z Baum, S Saeed, M Emberton, D Barratt, Z Taylor, Y Hu. “Non-rigid medical image registration using physics-informed neural networks,” 28th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging.

2022 C Zindl, Z Baum, M Allen. “Implantation of press-fit acetabular cups for canine total hip replacement: comparison of a navigated to the free-hand technique,” 1st European Congress of Biomedical and Veterinary Engineering.

Z Baum, T Ungi, C Schlenger, Y Hu, D Barratt. “Learning generalized non-rigid multimodal biomedical image registration from generic point set data,” 3rd Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop - 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (2022).

Z Baum, Y Hu, D Barratt. “Meta-registration: learning test-time optimization for single-pair image registration,” 3rd Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop - 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (2022).

P Railliard, L Cristoni, A Walden, R Lazzari, T Pulimood, L Grandjean, C Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Y Hu, Z Baum. “Rapid lung ultrasound COVID-19 severity scoring with resource-efficient deep feature extraction,” 3rd Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop - 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (2022).

2021 L Chalcroft, J Qu, S Martin, I Gayo, G Minore, I Singh, S Saeed, Q Yang, Z Baum, A Altmann, Y Hu. “Development and evaluation of intraoperative ultrasound segmentation with negative image frames and multiple observer labels,” 2nd Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop - 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (2021). (Oral)

A Grimwood, J Ramalhinho, Z Baum, N Montana Brown, G Johnson, Y Hu, M Clarkson, S Pereria, D Barratt, E Bonmati. “Endoscopic ultrasound image synthesis using a cycle-consistent adversarial network,” 2nd Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop - 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (2021). (Oral)

H Mason, L Cristoni, R Lazzari, T Pulimood, L Grandjean, C Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Y Hu, Z Baum. “Lung ultrasound segmentation and adaptation between COVID-19 and community acquired pneumonia,” 2nd Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop - 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (2021). (Oral)

S Saeed, Y Fu, Z Baum, Q Yang, M Rusu, R Fan, G Sonn, A Noble, D Barratt, Y Hu. “Adaptable image quality assessment using meta-reinforcement learning of task amenability,” 2nd Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop - 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (2021). (Oral - Best Paper Award)

S Saeed, Y Fu, Z Baum, Q Yang, M Rusu, R Fan, G Sonn, D Barratt, Y Hu. “Learning image quality assessment by reinforcing task amenable data selection,” 27th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (2021).

Z Baum, E Bonmati, L Cristoni, A Walden, F Prados, B Kanber, D Barratt, D Hawkes, G Parker, C Wheeler-Kingshott, Y Hu. “Image quality assessment for closed-loop computer-assisted lung ultrasound,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics (2021). (Oral)

2020 Z Baum, Y Hu, D Barratt. “Multimodality biomedical image registration using free point transformer networks,” Advances in Simplifying Medical UltraSound (ASMUS) Workshop - 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (2020). (Oral - Best Paper Award)

2019 Z Baum, S Ryan, E Rae, A Lasso, T Ungi, R Levy, G Fichtinger. “Assessment of intraoperative neurosurgical planning with the Microsoft HoloLens,” 17th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2019). (Oral)

H Lia, Z Baum, T Vaughan, T Ungi, T McGregor, G Fichtinger. “Usability and accuracy of an electromagnetically tracked partial nephrectomy navigation system,” 17th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2019). (Poster)

Z Baum, B Church, A Lasso, T Ungi, C Schlenger, D Borschneck, P Mousavi, G Fichtinger. “Step-wise identification of ultrasound-visible anatomical landmarks for 3D visualization of scoliotic spine,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10951, pp. 1095129 (2019). (Poster)

H Lia, Z Baum, T Vaughan, T Ungi, T McGregor, G Fichtinger. “Electromagnetically tracked partial nephrectomy navigation: demonstration of concept,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10951, pp. 109512W (2019). (Poster)

S Perrin, Z Baum, M Asselin, G Underwood, S Choueib, H Lia, T Ungi, A Lasso, G Fichtinger. “Reproducibility of freehand calibrations for ultrasound-guided needle navigation,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10951, pp. 109512B (2019). (Poster)

J Wiercigoch, Z Baum, T Ungi, J Fritz, G Fichtinger. “Validation of a low-cost adjustable handheld needle guide for spine interventions,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10951, pp. 109510L (2019). (Oral)

2018 Z Baum, T Ungi, A Lasso, B Church, C Schlenger, G Fichtinger. “Ultrasound-based vertebral landmark localization using deformable spine models,” 16th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2018). (Poster)

R Hisey, T Ungi, M Holden, Z Baum, Z Keri, C McCallum, D Howes, G Fichtinger. “Assessment of the use of webcam-based workflow detection for providing real-time feedback in central venous catheterization training,” 16th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2018). (Poster)

C Pinter, B Travers, Z Baum, T Ungi, A Lasso, B Church, G Fichtinger. “Real-time transverse process delineation in tracked ultrasound for scoliosis measurement,” 16th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2018). (Poster)

Z Baum, T Ungi, A Lasso, B Church, C Schlenger, G Fichtinger. “Visual aid for identifying vertebral landmarks in ultrasound,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10576, pp. 105760Z (2018). (Oral)

R Hisey, T Ungi, M Holden, Z Baum, Z Keri, G Fichtinger. “Real-time workflow detection using webcam video for providing real-time feedback in central venous catheterization training,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10576, pp. 1057620 (2018). (Poster – Honourable Mention Award)

C Pinter, B Travers, Z Baum, S Kamali, T Ungi, A Lasso, B Church, G Fichtinger. “Real-time transverse process detection in ultrasound” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10576, pp. 105760Y (2018). (Oral)

2017 Z Baum, T Ungi, A Lasso, G Fichtinger. “Real-time, tracked, mobile augmented reality display for surgical navigation: usability study on simulated patients,” 9th National Image-Guided Therapy Workshop (2017). (Poster)

Z Baum, T Ungi, A Lasso, G Fichtinger. “Evaluation of a mobile, real-time, tracked augmented reality display for surgical navigation,” 15th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2017). (Oral)

A Ilina, A Lasso, M Jolley, B Wohler, A Nguyen, A Scanlan, Z Baum, F McGowan, G Fichtinger. “Creating patient-specific anatomical models from highly elastic materials using 3D-printed molds,” 15th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2017). (Poster)

E Bibic, Z Baum, V Harish, T Ungi, A Lasso, G Fichtinger. “PLUS Model Catalog: A library of 3D-printed medical tools,” 15th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2017). (Poster)

G Underwood, T Ungi, Z Baum, A Lasso, G Kronreif, G Fichtinger. “Registration of preoperative images for navigated brain surgery using ultrasound-accessible skull regions,” 15th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2017). (Oral)

V Harish, E Bibic, A Lasso, M Holden, T Vaughan, Z Baum, T Ungi, G Fichtinger. “An application of redundant sensors for intraoperative electromagnetic tracking error monitoring,” 15th Annual Imaging Network of Ontario Symposium (2017). (Oral)

Z Baum, T Ungi, A Lasso, G Fichtinger. “Usability of a real-time tracked augmented reality display system in musculoskeletal injections,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10135, pp. 101352T (2017). (Poster)

A Ilina, A Lasso, M Jolley, B Wohler, A Nguyen, A Scanlan, Z Baum, F McGowan, G Fichtinger. “Patient-specific pediatric silicone heart valve models based on ultrasound,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10135, pp. 1013516 (2017). (Oral)

G Underwood, T Ungi, Z Baum, A Lasso, G Kronreif, G Fichtinger. “Skull registration for prone patient position using tracked ultrasound,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10135, pp. 1013522 (2017). (Poster)

R House, V Harish, A Lasso, Z Baum, G Fichtinger. “Evaluation of the Intel RealSense SR300 camera for image-guided interventions and application in vertebral level localization,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10135, pp. 101352Z (2017). (Poster)

V Harish, E Bibic, A Lasso, M S Holden, T Vaughan, Z Baum, T Ungi, G Fichtinger. “Monitoring electromagnetic tracking error using redundant sensors,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10135, pp. 101352R (2017). (Poster)

2016 Z Baum, A Lasso, T Ungi, G Fichtinger. “Usability of augmented reality displays for musculoskeletal surgical navigation,” Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare (2016). (Poster)

Z Baum, A Lasso, T Ungi, G Fichtinger. “Real-time self-calibration of a handheld augmented reality overlay system,” 14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (2016). (Poster)

V Harish, A Baksh, T Ungi, A Lasso, Z Baum, G Gauvin, C Engel, J Rudan, G Fichtinger. “Monitoring electromagnetic tracking error in computer-navigated breast cancer surgery,” 14th Annual Imaging Network Ontario Symposium (2016). (Oral)

Z Baum, A Lasso, T Ungi, G Fichtinger. “Augmented reality overlay system for computer-guided needle insertion procedures,” 10th Annual Inquiry @ Queen’s Undergraduate Research Conference. Queen’s University (2016). (Oral)

Z Baum, A Lasso, T Ungi, G Fichtinger. “Real-time self-calibration of a tracked augmented reality display,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 9786, pp. 97860F (2016). (Oral)

V Harish, A Baksh, T Ungi, A Lasso, Z Baum, G Gauvin, CJ Engel, J Rudan, G Fichtinger. “Measurement of electromagnetic tracking error in a navigated breast surgery setup,” SPIE Medical Imaging - Image Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 9786, pp. 97862K (2016). (Poster)

Educational Challenges

2020 N Montana Brown, Y Fu, S Saeed, A Casamitjana, Z Baum, R Delaunay, Q Yang, A Grimwood, Z Min, E Bonmati, T Vercauteren, M Clarkson, Y Hu. “Introduction to medical image registration with DeepReg, between old and new,”” MICCAI Educational Challenge (2020). (First Place Overall Winner)


2023 Z Baum. “Medical image registration using deep neural networks,” Doctoral thesis, University College London (2023).

2019 Z Baum. “Augmented reality training platform for placement of neurosurgical burr holes,” Master’s thesis, Queen’s University (2019).

Academic Workshops

2016 Z Baum*, V Harish*. “3D Slicer: Hands on Introduction to Medical Image Visualization,” IEEE EMBS International Student Conference (2016).

Invited Presentations

2021 Z Baum, N Montana Brown. “DeepReg: Simple Medical Image Registration with Deep Learning,” WEISS Away-Day, University College London (2021).

Z Baum. “Deep learning for medical image segmentation and registration,” UCL Medical Image Computing Summer School (MedICSS), University College London (2021).

2020 Z Baum. “Deep learning for medical image segmentation and registration,” UCL Medical Image Computing Summer School (MedICSS), University College London (2020).

Z Baum. “Multimodality biomedical image registration using free point transformer networks,” {U|I|K}CL Bio-Imaging Symposia, University College London (2020).

2017 Z Baum. “Mobile image overlay system for surgical navigation,” 5th Annual Bruce Visiting Scholar in Surgical Innovation Lectureship – Trainee Seminar, Queen’s University (2017).

2016 Z Baum. “Design, development, and evaluation of a real-time tracked augmented reality display system for surgical navigation,” Sunnybrook Research Prize, Sunnybrook Research Institute (2016).


2019-present Student Member | MICCAI – The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society

2016-present Student Member | IEEE EMBS – The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

2016-present Student Member | IEEE – The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

2015-present Student Member | SPIE – The International Society for Optics and Photonics

Athletic Awards

Nov. 2017, Mar. 2018 Helly Hansen Sailor of the Month | Sail Canada / Voile Canada

Mar. 2018 Jack Jarvis Trophy | Queen’s University Athletics and Recreation

Awarded annually to a Varsity Club male student-athlete in his 4th or 5th year who best displays qualities of scholastic achievement, competitiveness, leadership, sportsmanship, dedication and exceptional contributions to his team.

Mar. 2018 Queen’s Sailing Team Most Valuable Player | Queen’s University Athletics and Recreation

Nov. 2017 Landon Gardner Volunteer of the Year Award | Canadian Intercollegiate Sailing Association (CICSA)

Nov. 2017 Male Skipper of the Year Award | Canadian Intercollegiate Sailing Association (CICSA)

Nov. 2017 Nathan Cohen Memorial Trophy | Queen’s Sailing Team

2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 1st Place - Team Racing National Championship | Canadian Intercollegiate Sailing Association (CICSA)

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 1st Place – Canadian American Cup | North American Intercollegiate Sailing Association (ICSA)

Week of 24 Oct. 2016, 11 Sep. 2017 Varsity Clubs Male Athlete of the Week | Queen’s University Athletics and Recreation

Jul. 2017 1st Place - Olsen 30 North American Championship | CORK / Sail Kingston


Native or Bilingually Proficient: English, French

© Zachary Baum | Updated: October 2024